Vehicle Emission Bands

How much car tax you pay is dependent on your vehicle’s emissions

Understanding vehicle emission bands is key when it comes to calculating road tax. The UK has this system where cars are sorted into bands based on their CO2 emissions. In a nutshell, the greener and more eco-friendly your car is, the lower your road tax. So, it pays to go green – not just for the environment, but for your wallet too.


Here’s the deal: lower emission bands mean lower road tax. These bands range from A to M, with A being the most environmentally friendly. So, if your car falls into the A band, you’re in for some serious road tax savings. But if it’s in the higher bands, you might be shelling out more.


Now, when you’re eyeing that new set of wheels, it’s worth checking the emission band. The greener it is, the less you’ll be forking out for road tax. So, next time you’re in the market for a car, keep those emission bands in mind – good for the planet, good for your pocket.

How much will you pay?

To find out what band your vehicle is and how much car tax you will pay for a vehicle, use our handy online tool by clicking on the button.